Your Journey with OU-JLIC



Meet The Couple

Rabbi Adam and Chevie Musnitzky

The Musnitzkys have already distinguished themselves as leaders in their native Johannesburg. Adam, a graduate of Yeshiva College and the University of the Witswatersrand, spent over a decade in leadership positions in Bnei Akiva. This included being their Camp Director and being deeply involved in their many informal education projects. He also spent five years as the Director of Informal Jewish Education at the King David Schools. More recently, he was the chairman of the Or Zarua Young Adults minyan and the founder of “I Heart Jew,” an organization dedicated to helping Jewish singles find their match. Despite his long and impressive record of communal leadership, this will be Adam’s first long term, intensive yeshiva experience. He is looking to the make the most of his time study Read More
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